
Session I

Write an entry every day. If you miss a day, make sure you at least write an entry title.

  • Our goal is to come to the last session having written four weeks of daily entries. Write entries (at least the day and date with some lines of space) for each day of the week previous to the first workshop session.

  • Pay attention to when it’s easiest to journal and set a reminder to journal during that part of the day. (Evenings are great for reflecting on the day and clearing your head. Mornings are also great for reflecting on the day before while your head is clear and you have a bit of distance from it.)

  • Consider options for creating a space for you to be in when you’re journaling, preferably a place that you don’t associate with other productive activities (stairwell, sitting on the floor, sitting in your car, etc.)

  • If we didn’t get a chance to do it in the session, for one entry, summarize your day in four or fewer words or phrases - this can be done in addition to whatever else you choose to write for that entry.

  • If you come back to the journal after missing some days, write an entry title for the days you missed and write at least one thing you did or think that you probably did on those days.