Creativity in Journaling


A friend who’s been a huge supporter of the Sustainable Journaling Workshop gave me The Acme Novelty Date Book, a collection of facsimiles of the journal pages of cartoonist, Chris Ware. I’m reticent about sharing images of beautifully journal pages rendered by people with great penmanship, drawing or crafting skills because I don’t want people interested in journaling to be intimidated if they don’t feel that they’re creative or don’t feel good about their handwriting. But I thought I’d share an example of his journaling style because I love the messy, organic quality of his arrangement that results from him sketching first then conforming the text to the drawings.

Next to his, my journal pages look about as interesting as an instruction manual, but they’re my pages so I’m okay with that.


“Now Is the Time to Start Keeping a Journal” by Glenn Kramon


The Power of Journaling Objectively